Imaging Conditions Au/C sample
- Scan rotation set 180 degrees so image motion matches piezo stage directions, plate handle at image bottom. Up/Down buttons move Up/Down, L/R buttons move R/L (reversed)
- To see Au grains of ~ 30 to 120 nm, need 10 to 50 kX mag (relative to 19/21 inch display)
- Working with 120 um aperture 3 nA mode
- Gun -53.0 -65.0
- App +54.1 +79.5
- Stig -23.7 +13.7
- WD 9.098
- Apparent Image Shift with increasing WD
- if Ax becomes more positive, shift direction becomes more left
- if Ay becomes more positive, shift direction becomes more vertical
- Wobble method:
- set wobble amplitude to 5%
- adjust Ax and Ay to minimize wobble
- problem, as you go through best value, phase reverses, hard to catch
- Manual Focus method:
- put manual cross hairs on a feature
- increase WD, see which direction feature moves
- if it moves right, increase Ax
- if it moves down, increase Ay
- if you change aperture position significantly, you will need to re-adjust WD and Stig to recover a sharp image
- once you have the best value, Au/C should look good, you can check with wobble method
Aperture 6, 120 um 3 nA
- Gun -53.0 +65.0
- Aperture +54.1 +79.5
- Stig -23.7 +13.7
- Stig Bal X upper 84.8 lower 100.0
- Stig Bal Y upper 71.3 lower 99.2
Changing to other current/condenser settings mainly changes WD
- For 3.0 nA, WD 9.098 stig -23.4 +15.2
- For 2.5 nA, WD 9.032
- For 2.0 nA, WD 8.986 stig -21.2 +15.8
- For 1.5 nA, WD 8.950 stig -19.5 +17.9
Stig change of 1% is significant
Aperture 1, 60 um (on axis)
- Gun -2.5 -54.5
- App +0.5 +70.3
- Stig +2.0 +27.0
- Stig Bal X upper 84.1 lower 100.0
- Stig Bal Y upper 70.2 lower 99.8
- WD 200 pA 8.915
Other current settings
- Max WD 9.012 stig +14.2 +40.9
- 200 pA WD 8.915 stig +2.0 +27.0
- 100 pA WD 8.905 stig +1.9 +29.3
Aperture 5 90 um
- Gun +10.1 -6.7
- App -14.5 +20.6
- Stig +2.0 +5.7
- Stig Bal X upper 85.8 lower 100.0
- Stig Bal Y upper 69.7 lower 99.1
- WD 1 nA 8.954
- WD 800 pA 8.938 stig +2.2 +6.9
Aperture 3 30 um
- Gun =45.5 -45.2
- App -51.9 +57.2
- Stig +14.7 +2.5
- Stig Bal X upper 86.7 lower 100.0
- Stig Bal Y upper 71.7 lower 100
- 80 pA WD 8.941 stig +14.7 +2.5
- 60 pA WD 8.929 +15.0 +3.1
- 40 pA WD 8.922 +15. +6.0
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