Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sample Introduction and Airlock

Here is the procedure to transfer samples from air to the long transfer rod in the prep chamber. From there samples can be moved either to the prep manipulator or to the parking carousel in the analysis chamber.

  1. Start the "Prep" turbo pump, if it is not running already (see Turbo Pumps how to for details)
    1. Start PV TurboViewer software on Auger-pxi. 
      1. click connection wizard, set find multiple devices to 3 and click button, software should find three pumps. Drag window taller and click arrange. Click on speed display to toggle between rpm/Hz/% for speed. 
      2. pump 001 is nano, 002 is prep/sample intro, 003 is ion gun
    2. Prep turbo should reach 100% within a minute or two, power < 20 Watts, foreline pressue (push down arrow on ion gauge controller to see fore pressure) < 0.1 mBar.
  2. Vent airlock
    1. Close airlock pumping valve (large black plastic handle) and bypass pumping (small green valve handle). 
    2. Open N2 vent supply valve (small green valve below table)
    3. Turn off air lock ion gauge if on.
    4. Open airlock vent valve (below airlock). You should hear gas flowing. Airlock pirani gauge should read about 780 torr (slightly above atmosphere).
    5. Open air lock door. Do not let glass door fall open. 
  3. Load samples
    1. Up to 3 samples can be loaded. Use gloves and clean sample plates.
    2. Normally sample surface is to the right as you face airlock. 
    3. VT double-plate holders must face right
    4. If flat sample plates will be heated on prep manipulator, load upside down (facing left) so sample surface faces heater after transfer.
  4. Pump airlock
    1. Close N2 vent valve

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