This is the procedure for a full "service" alignment, this is not for daily fine tuning alignment
Simplified Column Alignment instructions
- Put large featureless sample, at least 3-4 mm, such as Si wafer in stage, no tilt
- Get image at 8 kV, focus on sample
- open "Aperture Calibration" and "Calibrate Stigmation" windows (these only work in service mode)
- Select probe current max
- zero gun align and aperture align in service window AND user aperture window
- zero stig and beam offset
- All electronic offsets should be neutral
- Get emission image, uncheck Condenser Normal box
- all apertures should be evenly illuminated, circles will overlap
- If circles are clipped, distorted, partial, mechanical source align is required
- if illumination is good, mechanical source alignment is OK,go to next step
- loosen 4 6 mm screws at top of column. do push-pull adjustments in X and Y to try to get uniform illumination.
- to the extent possible, center illuminated aperture pattern, however uniform illumination is more important than centering.
- recheck condenser normal. Now large diffuse aperture images will change to sharp smaller circles. These should also be uniform. Reduce SEM contrast since these will be saturated.
- slowly tighten all four screws to lock source. This will cause shifts, correct as needed to get good illumination with source locked.
Best align with current filament state, 200 pA mode (60 um aperture)
gun 44.5, 27.5 aperture -47.0 -22.9
user aperture -4.0, -6.0
stig 5.7 19.5 balance X 81.3, 95.9 Y 69.6, 94.7
Best max current
gun 44.5 27.5 aperture -47.0 -22.09
stig 24.7, 39.0 bal X 84.1, 93.0 Y 74.3, 94.7
Condenser lens needs mechanical alignment. Here is emission image for 1 nA, 600 pA, 400 pA all 90 um aperture
clear shift with condenser excitation
Align gun, aperture, stig, stig balance for 120, 90, 60, 30 um apertures